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Saturday, March 27, 2010

John 1 vs29-40 What do You Seek??

(John 1:29-40New King James Version)
John elaborates on why he was baptizing: to point out Jesus.
John says that God told him he'd see the Holy Spirit descend on the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.
John then testifies that Jesus is the Son of God. 
The next day he calls Him the "Lamb of God". In other words, the sacrifice for sin that God supplies and the one He accepts, that the Passover points to.
Actually, when John points out Jesus, his entire life's work is complete! Everything is downhill for him now.
As he says later, "He must increase, but I must decrease."  
He doesn't quit, in fact he still preaches against sin, and it gets him beheaded by Herod.
So two of John's disciples leave John and follow Jesus. One of them is Andrew (Peter's brother).
Who's the other one? Probably the guy writing this gospel, John.

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