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Thursday, April 8, 2010

John 2 vs13-12 Cleaning House

(John 2:13-22New King James Version)
It's Passover, and people are coming to Jerusalem to sacrifice for their sin. They have to use Temple shekels for their sacrifice. Money changers are set up for that. Making merchandise of (taking a profit on) peoples sinful condition. They should have set up shop outside not inside the Temple. Jesus chases them out.
This Gospel shows this happening at the start of His ministry. The other Gospels show it happening at the end. Maybe it happened at both. We are the Temple of God now and the persecution of the Church at the start of the church age cleansed it. Are we going to see that happen again before Jesus returns?
Jesus calls it His Father's house, giving Him authority to clean it. The rulers want to see a sign of this authority. “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” He gives them this sign at His Crucifixion. Of course they don't understand and think He's talking about the building. 
They are going to be continually asking for a sign. If you don't want to see something, maybe you won't see it even when it's in your face. 

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